Bookstore Publications
Full Color IRCA Letterhead
Full color 8.5 x 11 MS Word 2007 file with the current IRCA logo. Send email to to get yours today! Great for verification requests!
A DXers Technical Guide, 4th Edition (Spring 2004)
In its nearly 200 pages you will learn about the principles underlying the design of successful receivers, antennas and receiving accessories, find reviews of the best commercially available DXing equipment in different price ranges, as well as detailed instructions for building one's own antennas and other DXing aids. Although it focuses on the technical backdrop to medium wave DXing, it will also be of interest to serious shortwave listeners and low band radio amateurs.
Prices: IRCA/NRC members – $15.00 (US), $16.50 (Canada) $18.00 (México), $20.00 (rest of the world). Non-IRCA/NRC members – add $2.00.
Sunrise/Sunset Maps
12 maps showing 15 minute sunset and sunrise times for the US and 12 maps showing hourly sunset and sunrise times for the World. Explanation includes use of the maps and examples of DX made possible by knowledge of SR/SS times.
Prices: IRCA/NRC members – $2.25 (US), $3.00 (Canada) $3.50 (México), $4.50 (rest of the world).
Non-IRCA members – add $1.00.
To order from the IRCA, send the correct amount (in US funds payable to IRCA) to:
IRCA GOODIE FACTORY, 9705 MARY NW, SEATTLE WA 98117-2334. Or, order through PayPal [add $1.00] to email: Bytheway). Please state club affiliation when ordering.